1952 Ford Customline V-8 Fordor Sedan "An eye-corner glance tells you that no car — not even one costing far more — has more perfect line and grace than a '52 Ford. An... Read more...
1955 Hudson Wasp 4-door Sedan "Twice as rigid, twice as safe! American Motors' exclusive Double Strength Single Unit car construction is all-welded, rattleproo... Read more...
1955 Opel Olympia Rekord "Opel der Zuverlässige." "Opel the reliable" , truly is a befitting slogan for the 1953-1956 Olympia Rekord. At that t... Read more...
1941 Plymouth Special DeLuxe 4-door Sedan "It's a pleasure to remind you that this stunning new 1941 Plymouth — so beautiful, so long, wide, low-swung — is a low-priced ca... Read more...